We Should be Imperfectly Mutual!

5th Sunday of Easter

Pls Read God’s Silent Message: Jn 15:1-8

“The vinedresser must carefully prune the vine before it can bear good fruit.”

there's no easy way

As parents, masarap sigurong marinig sa mga anak natin na sabihin nilang: 

“Dad, Mom, you did a good job in me!”

Minsan kasi, isa sa mga worries nating mga parents ‘yong “feeling natin, parang hindi pa natin nagagawa yong gusto pa sana nating gawin; … yong habang binibigay mo yong best mo, you’re still worried if you have already done what God told you to do.”

But then, sometimes too, we’re asking ourselves, “what should it take for parents to do a job well?” – is it just fair to also expect our children to do their piece of the job as well?

Minsan din kasi, as parents, we’re quite being harsh on ourselves na “akuin ang lahat ng pagkukulang” when brokenness in the family perseveres; while on the other hand, as children, we’re also unfair to point our fingers to our parents when things don’t work well.

Today’s gospel is reminding us a SIMPLE TRUTH:

The Lord promises that we will bear much fruit

if we abide in Him and allow Him to purify us.

This means that, as much as parents are striving to abide by God in performing their duties to their family, the children should also listen and cooperate with their parents in making their family imperfectly beautiful.

Just as what God wants, parents would also want each child to learn what’s more important in life. Sometimes there’s no easy way to understand that we have to sacrifice certain things for our family – but it is always grand when we learn to be humble in LISTENING with our HEART.

For, in the end, our humility to strive to understand and be in unity with our family will bring us the abundance that we hope to enjoy in life — over any material things that we cannot really keep for long.   #sunset


*this article is published as Gospel Reflection in The Feast San Lorenzo Bulletin

  Issue #20. 29 April 2018

“True Character is who you are and what you do — even when no one is watching you!”

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