Tag Archives: maximizing time

Don’t Dilly-Dally

Cor Dei 1.  3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pls Read God’s Silent Message: MT4:12-23

 “the people living in darkness have seen a great light…” — Matthew 4:16

photo credits: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com

CHANCES … grab or drop it! 

Once in a while we’ll first have to be despicable before we’d realize that we’ve already missed a chance!  Sometimes we fall short of foresight that we overlook what should have been done at a certain required time.

I was recently bereaved by a friend who had been sick. I wasn’t able to visit her again when I started battling against mine.  I had her in my mind several times last December. I planned to call her up too, but scheds and events had just piled up until I ended receiving that sad news; Facebook feeds were filled with posts, mourning for her.  I felt so guilty; I should have told her, “let’s fight together!”; I should have made her feel stronger knowing that she’s not struggling alone. I cried hard in regret; I was just consoled when a friend told me, “marami pa kami!; we also want to hear from you!”

When you come to that breaking point that you wouldn’t want to miss chances, your only choice would be to MAXIMIZE TIME! Each time we wake up for a day, God is giving us “that invitation” to come after Him and leave our comfort zones of excuses.

Friends, today let’s IMPLEMENT that decision: REACH OUT, DO NOT DELAY!

Days may be dark at times, but if we will only consider God’s calling to “come after Him”, we will surely see the LIGHT that will mark the turning point in our life. More Dreams & Plans will materialize which will make our BEST YEAR EVER! #sunset

==========================================================================Published in FeastSMStaRosaBulletin. Series of 2017. Issue #2, 22 January 2017. Light of Jesus’ BEST YEAR EVER: Imagine Your Future Now Series. Talk 3: Implementation

also posted in: http://gailmontero.blogspot.com/2017/01/dont-dilly-dally.html?spref=fb & https://profgail67.wordpress.com/2017/01/24/dont-dilly-dally/

“True Character is who you are and what you do — even when no one is watching you!”

Moms, @ the end of the day!

family, moms, home, kids, sacrifice, love,
Moms hope to “be there” always!

Not all days will be here forever.

Moms need to maximize loving, maximize giving, maximize “just being there”!

… even if sometimes, what you got’ta give isn’t what they exactly need. 

Last monday, i allotted time with our “budding architect”.  we lunched-out in an “eat all you can” restaurant and ‘glad that she calls it “her term-starter”!

Just the other night, i rushed driving out in the midst of hard pouring rain to be there outside of our village just before our “blooming journalist” goes down from a jeepney without umbrella after attending a worship service in Alabang.

And just this morning, i had to rush to the school of our “bunso” just to hand her the Journal which she had hard-time answering yesterday and her Assignment Notebook which will document her “what has been” in school and the tasks that should keep her ON-TRACK: way to TRAIN HER on Study Devotion, Commitment & Sense of Responsibility.

Some situations are not perfectly cooperative — but because you wanted to be a good Mom, you’ll just have to coarse through — however ways!

Oh, if only kids would realize how much they should understand “what turns their Mom ON or OFF”! — that because you wanted to sustain good moods, Moms may react on certain things at certain times, but they’ll have to be back on-track right away! Bipolarity challenged?! — quite certainly so!  

Hmmmm …. nevertheless, at the end of the day, Moms may be so tired that they may no longer get to watch a bed-time movie with their kids’Dad while he’s waiting to capture a sleep — but because she was able to hurdle all-day-long, the joy is there, deep within her heart! — and she hopes, she was able to give what her kids exactly needed — while she prays, her husband will understand that as his wife lays down beside him, he would turn to her for the caring that she needs to give her the energy to survive another fulfilled day for their family — that night after. 🙂


Cor Dei 27. 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Pls Read God’s Silent Message: Mark 6:30-34

Simplify, The Feast, Gospel Reflection, Treasure, Family, Love, Humility, Reaching out
Can we not just LOVE and REACH OUT?

In our Last week’s Gospel, God told us that He is sending us to a mission but with the instruction to SIMPLIFY: take nothing for the journey but a walking stick!

If one day you’ll be face to face with God and He’ll ask you to report what you’ve done to fulfill such mission, what would you tell Him?

… would you brag that you did it all well, mission-accomplished?

… or would you complain that it was difficult, you’ve given up the mission?

… MINE WOULD BE these lines:

“Lord, IT HASN’T BEEN EASY po making others realize that there are certain things in their lives which they need to CUT OFF & CLEAN UP. Some of us have secured ourselves with position & possessions in life and authority that we find it demeaning to be humble to accept our mistake, not minding the harm that such pride is causing to some relationships. Some of us are not even cautious and reflective of the words that we say, the actuations that we show and the decisions that we abruptly make.

Lord, along the Mission, I did strive to be HAPPY – I always did! Despite some mis-interpretations from those you asked me to “mission-out”, at the end of each day, I would find every reason to write in my “thank you journal” my gratitude that i was able to triumph over the insults that I got because I chose to “lift up to YOU what I have no capacity to control at certain moments”.

Thank you so much Dear Lord for THE WALKING STICK that you allowed me to bring along this journey. Sometimes my eyes may not show some glow because I am struggling TO SIMPLIFY IN THE MIDST OF COMPLICATIONS but YOU KNOW that WITHIN MY HEART is the DEEP JOY because YOUR ASSURANCE of BEING IN MY LIFE is my REAL TREASURE which makes me STRIVE TO FULFILL A MISSION.

P.S. nga po pala Lord, Thank you SO MUCH for TRUSTING me on this opportunity – I CLAIM po that these persons you’ve assigned to me ARE ALREADY A WORK IN PROGRESS!#end of my face-to-face talk with God!

 One day, BECAUSE GOD KNOWS how difficult it has been, He would tell us:

“Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”

By then, the LEGACY of our sacrifices will be THE CORE of the persons we lovingly served because at the end of it all, they responded to MISSION-IN positive inner attitudes for themselves. #sunset


*** Published in The Feast Bulletin, Issue #27.19 July 2015. SIMPLIFY Series. Talk 1: Treasure. MISSION-IN! by Gail S. Montero

Do you “Make Tents”?

Hi Friends, it’s 2nd Sunday of Lent, may we strive to make some little preparations for our Spiritual Growth 

Pls Consider God’s Silent Message: Mark 9:2-10 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+9:2-10

Sabi nila, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!”

But come to think of it … TRUE BEAUTY is not actually something that we see
– but “that thing that WE FEEL”it should be right there “in the heart” of an imperfect person who allowed him/herself to be held up for “a radiant makeover”

– not for long period of hours in front of a mirror
– but in life’s training grounds!  

Yet, not many of us are willing to go through such metamorphosis because we are more often apprehensive & pertified by “what we think we know”, yet no longer aware that we’re already being anxious with what we want to believe in.

When we don’t understand what’s going on in our life … when we struggle on things & we’re not comfortable with what’s happening … when we’re confused & we don’t know what to say; much that we actually don’t want to explore outside of our comfort zones … we’d rather “make tents”!

“Then Peter said to Jesus in reply,“Rabbi, it is good that we are here!

Let us make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”

He hardly knew what to say, they were so terrified.”

When we secure ourselves in-ward & hide-away; when we don’t respond in a loving & wise manner; when we tend to be self-centered & protect ourselves with pride; when we misinterpret good intentions & doesn’t want to “listen”it could’ve made us feel good that we’ve already built our tents — BUT it doesn’t maximize our experience “being here”!

Dear Bros & Sis, God wants us to be BEAUTIFUL and He hopes that today, we could be inspired by His Transfiguration while He intends to make us realize how cool He is for giving us our family to whom He entrusted our complete “change of heart” so that such beauty will not only attract some beholders but will “affect” God’s legacy through us 🙂  #sunset

What would your Heart Show?

“When the mind stops remembering,   the heart will never forget.”


What if one day you will no longer remember, have you ever wondered what your loved ones would “see in your heart”?

The things that we do now, events that we plan about, gestures & acts of concern, appreciation & gratitude that we’ve always intended to give at this point in time … any of these might be “what they will see “in there” — good news is, WE CAN START TRAINING OURSELVES “RIGHT NOW” while we’re not sure UNTIL WHEN we could.

We don’t have forever! If things could  be “possible at hand”, why not MAKE IT HAPPEN while you can still enjoy EACH OTHER’S MEMORY?  

IF we CAN PLAN to be with others for quite some time for enjoyment, why not ALSO PLAN TO BE WITH THE PERSONS WHO COULD BE THERE WITH US FOR A LIFETIME?

Let us not wait for the time when the person who have done things for us, can no longer do and enjoy “a lot with us” because we kept on saying “there will be time for that…!” 

VIDEO CREDITS: http://www.wimp.com/