Tag Archives: loving each other

Why Jesus had to “write on the sand”

writings in the sand
photo credits to https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/

We can do our personal reflection on this God’s Silent Message: John 8:1-11

When was the last time you listened to your loved ones’ stories?

— the last time you deeply appreciated that person for listening to yours & for commending “your being great”?

When was that last time you sat down in full attention to that person who longs to hear “even that simplest boost & affirmation” from you?

OR, WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME you did not condemn — that first time you did not believe your own assumptions against that person?

Because of forgetfulness, we commit sin! –Velden Lim #Didache3.2.16

When we don’t remember anything good, we care “less”, we hate more!  When we don’t overcome that “hate”, it clutters both our mind and our heart!  It makes us DISTANT and gives us all the reason “not to make someone feel their WORTH”.  We forget occasions, we forget to fill-in our love tanks and we no longer see the opportunities where we can reciprocate those simple reaching outs.

When we capitalize on our “I”, our self becomes numb: Self Is Numb because we no longer feel for others – only for our “self”.

“Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her!”

Two times in today’s gospel, JESUS BENT DOWN to write on the ground with His finger while He waited for people to respond “in realization”.

For the many times you’ve written down what you hope people to realize, yet they still don’t, your safest choice is to “just be the one to bend and break and forgive because you love them so much”.

But sometimes, we are caught between tough love and resilience – for even if we love so much, we should not forget that it’s also our responsibility to save our loved ones from dying softly to forgetfulness. At some point, we’ve got to grant them the “benefit of the doubt” which should lead them to be a reflective person – until they realize that “it’s not too late to say I’m sorry”!

Today, may we realize why Jesus had to “write on the sand”!

When we commit sin, yet, like that woman we “strive to have that chance to be ALONE WITH JESUS”, our humility will make us REMEMBER DEEP WITHIN how much Jesus entrusted us to sin no more!” Only if we don’t forget such GRATITUDE, shall our heart remember what the mind usually forgets! #sunset

“When someone hurts us, we should write it down in the sand,                                                                where the winds of forgiveness can erase it!”




Cor Dei 27. 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Pls Read God’s Silent Message: Mark 6:30-34

Simplify, The Feast, Gospel Reflection, Treasure, Family, Love, Humility, Reaching out
Can we not just LOVE and REACH OUT?

In our Last week’s Gospel, God told us that He is sending us to a mission but with the instruction to SIMPLIFY: take nothing for the journey but a walking stick!

If one day you’ll be face to face with God and He’ll ask you to report what you’ve done to fulfill such mission, what would you tell Him?

… would you brag that you did it all well, mission-accomplished?

… or would you complain that it was difficult, you’ve given up the mission?

… MINE WOULD BE these lines:

“Lord, IT HASN’T BEEN EASY po making others realize that there are certain things in their lives which they need to CUT OFF & CLEAN UP. Some of us have secured ourselves with position & possessions in life and authority that we find it demeaning to be humble to accept our mistake, not minding the harm that such pride is causing to some relationships. Some of us are not even cautious and reflective of the words that we say, the actuations that we show and the decisions that we abruptly make.

Lord, along the Mission, I did strive to be HAPPY – I always did! Despite some mis-interpretations from those you asked me to “mission-out”, at the end of each day, I would find every reason to write in my “thank you journal” my gratitude that i was able to triumph over the insults that I got because I chose to “lift up to YOU what I have no capacity to control at certain moments”.

Thank you so much Dear Lord for THE WALKING STICK that you allowed me to bring along this journey. Sometimes my eyes may not show some glow because I am struggling TO SIMPLIFY IN THE MIDST OF COMPLICATIONS but YOU KNOW that WITHIN MY HEART is the DEEP JOY because YOUR ASSURANCE of BEING IN MY LIFE is my REAL TREASURE which makes me STRIVE TO FULFILL A MISSION.

P.S. nga po pala Lord, Thank you SO MUCH for TRUSTING me on this opportunity – I CLAIM po that these persons you’ve assigned to me ARE ALREADY A WORK IN PROGRESS!#end of my face-to-face talk with God!

 One day, BECAUSE GOD KNOWS how difficult it has been, He would tell us:

“Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”

By then, the LEGACY of our sacrifices will be THE CORE of the persons we lovingly served because at the end of it all, they responded to MISSION-IN positive inner attitudes for themselves. #sunset


*** Published in The Feast Bulletin, Issue #27.19 July 2015. SIMPLIFY Series. Talk 1: Treasure. MISSION-IN! by Gail S. Montero