Our Account-ability!

planning, strategic planning, educational planning, 21st century, education, life, connections, l
How you connect each dot, manifests YOU!

Master of Arts in Educational Management: EDM 505

If Life  is what we make it, DOTs are how we connect it! — what makes life the way it should be! 🙂

“What we do with what we see today” will make a lot of difference in the future which is yet near or far.  What might happen in the future would always depend upon how we “turn things today” no matter “how limited” opportunities or chances are.

The 21st Century has been pushing us to “LEVEL UP IN LIFE!” Exciting though, yet, some of us do not really have the “know how” — or better yet,  we seem to be unmindful of making ourselves ON-GUARD against the RISK OF UNCERTAINTY.  We may at  times claim to be “future-oriented”; yet we never really achieve as much — BUT WHY? … because “alternatives” just come and become waisted for the very simple reason that “we did not PLAN!”

“Failing to PLAN is PLANNING TO FAIL!”

Current trends suggest that we should NOW be STRATEGIC in our actions!  Educators as we are, we should already “mind-set” that the 21st Century Education is IN NEED of TEACHERS with INNOVATIVE IDEAS who could facilitate “wise decision-making and who has comprehensive understanding of his  “ACCOUNT-ABILITY” most significantly to himself !

teachers in the 21st century, educational planning, entrepreneurship, leadership,
What do your “connect-the-dots” tell? how much did you use your opportunities?

Scanning through the DOTS, coming up with something out of it, and giving our own interpretation of what we did would help us evaluate “where we are now, what we see and how we act today”

— Thing is, [1] could we then tell how much effort did we exert to be able to come up with something out of those dots that we only have? & [2] what does it tell about you and about what you want?

Having known that “we should make ourselves ENTREPRENEURS” at this POINT IN TIME,  how then should each educator gear towards a PARADIGM SHIFT? What measures should we personally implement so that we could SELL OURSELVES BEST? — and oh, “selling oneself”? — what does it indicate? what should we have and how should we go about it?

"Our failure to INVEST today is 
NOT making life the way it should be! --profgail

25 thoughts on “Our Account-ability!”

  1. Our lives start with the dot and end with it too.Truly it is in us on how we connect dots to its position that directs us into a failure or success. In the end,it’s not about the success or failures of life, it’s the experience and moment how we share and make impacts in our dots to our family, loved ones, friends, associates, and to our students. God Bless everyone!


  2. Let us take life lightly, facing it too hard can stress us much. Connected dots are like the stairs, it’s easy if we will step on the first level then try reaching the highest one. Sometimes we need to spend more time before taking another steps, these are the moments wherein we face challenges in life. We need to slow down to surely settle things and if everything seems to be fine another leap will be done. It doesn’t matter if we slowly going up but what important is we never stop till we reach the top. I believe in the saying “slowly but surely’’, not good to rush things in life, it may lead to disappointment or frustration in the near future.


  3. If Life is what we make it, DOTs are how we connect it! — what makes life the way it should be!
    Our life is full of dots, sometimes you don’t know where to start. Through these dots of life you need to make a choice, not tomorrow but start it today start your first dot. Think several times before continuing with your second dot up to the nth dot. The main reason why our dots are interconnected, because in our life once we encounter problems and failures those are the results of our decision making from the past. As we go long we need the wisdom of our elders for they have gone a long long way. We need to abide the realms and what is ideal for they will serve as our guide. Just like when we purchased our new smart phone we always read the manual to guide us how to efficiently use our smart phone. That is the same views in life we need a guide, a manual and that manual is our BIBLE. When Ma’am Anna showed me an inspirational video, the part the catches my attention was the word BIBLE which stands for Beautiful Information Before Leaving Earth.

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  4. If Life is what we make it, DOTs are how we connect it! — what makes life the way it should be!
    Our life is full of dots, sometimes you don’t know where to start. Through these dots of life you need to make a choice, not tomorrow but start it today start your first dot. Think several times before continuing with your second dot up to the nth dot. The main reason why our dots are interconnected, because in our life once we encounter problems and failures those are the results of our decision making from the past. As we go long we need the wisdom of our elders for they have gone a long long way. We need to abide the realms and what is ideal for they will serve as our guide. Just like when we purchased our new smart phone we always read the manual to guide us how to efficiently use our smart phone. That is the same views in life we need a guide, a manual and that manual is our BIBLE. When Ma’am Anna showed me an inspirational video, the part the catches my attention was the word BIBLE which stands for Beautiful Information Before Leaving Earth.

    Kenneth N. Demafelis

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  5. From DOTS activity…. I came up into a simple illustration of a rectangular sling wallet….all I did was to connect the nearest dots without losing the lines. This kind of strategy represented me how simple life I would be. Enough savings for the future…no complications possible…in short “One at a Time” maybe I am more conscious of my psoriasis…enjoyable work…enjoyable life…


  6. We can be like the dots when connected, We can go on in so many ways were in life can be more meaningful. It’s up to us if we will go on a straight way forward or we make it in a zigzag road, turn around and go back to where we are.But life must go on. What is important we do what we know the best which everyone specially our love ones will be benefited. Upon connecting my Dots I come up with the image of a walking man. Maybe it’s my real personalities to go on walking, looking and seeking for a bright future for my family and for the learners that I will handle and meet. I know at the end of all dots God is there waiting and guiding us. .


  7. Our life starts with a dot. We have to connect to more other dots in order for us to form or make a shape, to make a meaningful journey. In life, we encounter people, different kinds, different faces. We may stay longer on a dot, at times, it takes us just a short while and proceed to the next dot where our hearts chose to go to. We at times travel in a perfect straight line, or sometimes on a crooked manner, but still, we are able to reach our desired spot or destination. The point here is that, we may do and go on a direction our heart dictates us, perfect or failed, still we are able to manage and still learn something valuable, and create a beautiful shape which we can be proud of.

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  8. After the dots activity, I realized that we all need each other. In one way or another we are connected, we need our family, friends and other people. As the saying goes “no man is an island”, even the richest people in the earth needs some one to take care of him. Just like in the dots activity, if you want to create an object you must connect the dots. It will be more significant if the dots are connected.


  9. Reflection on DOTS activity:
    I believe that everything started in a dot. A dot needs to be connected to other dots to make a portrait of something or a better picture. When connecting dots it is never easy, we need to think first what dot to be connected with other dot. There are instances that we pause for a while and rest and then continue again. But there are times that dots remain just a single dot because we never wanted to continue or connect all the dots. If we are eager enough to achieve or reach our goals in finishing the connected dots we will give our precious time to continue what we’ve started. After all the pauses we’ve done and doubt “Are these dots can be connected?” I do believe with prayers and making one step forward towards your goal will make a big difference.


  10. From DOTS activity….
    Our life is full of different dots. you know why? Life isn’t about finding yourself, Life is about creating yourself. Its depend on us where should we go or what we want to be in the future. In every dots in our life we should be focus and think the very best thing to decide. Because sometime we fail . But then because of some failure it makes us brave to face another challenge We can say that our life is a straight line but sometimes it is zigzag. Its because of the problems/ hindrances that we encountered. ” If you live long enough, you,ll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you’ll be a better person . It’s how you handle adversity not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit.

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    1. I , myself, am a dot. I am a small thing in this big universe.
      Dot as I am, I have nothing to brag, nothing to boast, but I have something to share. Dot it may seem, but it can make a huge difference. My thoughts is a series of dots, ellipses as they appear. But when I connect them together, it can convey a message that can make a change. I am a dot and everything about me is a dot, smallest dot invisible by naked eyes but it creates an impact once one sees its purpose and meaning. My life is a dot but it defines my existence. Just like a period, it puts a stop to a sentence and the sentences gives its meaning to the world.

      Because I was a dot, I was blown with the wind of failures. I struggled deep within strutting in the middle of nowhere, staring at a blank direction where confusions started to blur my vision. I was a dot so weak and nothing, finding another dots in the air for me to gather strength until I gained back my courage. Then, as I journey, and ran my way home, a dot of encouragement had been dropped upon my senses making my realize that I can rise from the quagmire of rolling dots which shook my once sturdy faith and still confidence.

      And so, I see my purpose. As a dot, I should not stop connecting to other dots so I can create the perfect and complete structure of who I am and what I can become. It is only when I connect that I may find meaning of what I do. If dot is not connected, then it remains meaningless and it will not serve its function. A dot, small as it is, is an important part to make a BIG impact in the vast UNIVERSE.

      I thank Sir Kenneth Demafelis for dropping the powerful dot of “DON’T QUIT” along my way. – ANA V. IGLORIA


  11. more connections means more opportunities that can be tapped…you’ll never know what those connections means or what they will bring…but one thing is sure – you’ll definitely learn from it…

    even if we think that a certain connection will bring us away from our comfort zone…go for it!!!…you can never tell what is in store???

    but adventurism should also be tempered with caution…kaya nga binigyan tayo ng Diyos ng utak para walang sisihan…

    i myself am not really that sociable…but when someone approached me and has a lot of sensibilities and some craziness…am all for it!!!

    connections, networks, contacts…whatever way we call it…it is an opportunity in the waiting…


    There are three things which I can associate from that activity: a shirt, a bag and a hanging flag which wind blows on it.
    A shirt- it represents clothing. One of human basic needs. It is very important to look decent, and people identify you the way you dress-up.
    A bag- different things are in it. A bag has different designs and sizes. Just like our life, challenges and happiness come in so many ways that surprise us sometimes. We must handle our bags with care.
    A flag- symbolizes patriotism and love for our country. We teachers are giving our best to impart the knowledge needed by our students because we believe that they are the future of this country.
    We are always accountable to very decision we make.


    There are three things which I can associate from that activity: a shirt, a bag and a hanging flag which wind blows on it.
    A shirt- it represents clothing. One of human basic needs. It is very important to look decent, and people identify you the way you dress-up.
    A bag- different things are in it. A bag has different designs and sizes. Just like our life, challenges and happiness come in so many ways that surprise us sometimes. We must handle our bags with care.
    A flag- symbolizes patriotism and love for our country. We teachers are giving our best to impart the knowledge needed by our students because we believe that they are the future of this country.


  14. Dot, Small As It May Seem, Creates An Impact

    I , myself, am a dot. I am a small thing in this big universe.
    Dot as I am, I have nothing to brag, nothing to boast, but I have something to share. Dot it may seem, but it can make a huge difference. My thoughts is a series of dots, ellipses as they appear. But when I connect them together, it can convey a message that can make a change. I am a dot and everything about me is a dot, smallest dot invisible by naked eyes but it creates an impact once one sees its purpose and meaning. My life is a dot but it defines my existence. Just like a period, it puts a stop to a sentence and the sentence gives its meaning to the world.

    Because I was a dot, I was blown with the wind of failures. I struggled deep within strutting in the middle of nowhere, staring at a blank direction where confusions started to blur my vision. I was a dot so weak and nothing, finding another dots in the air for me to gather strength until I gained back my courage. Then, as I journey, and ran my way home, a dot of encouragement had been dropped upon my senses making my realize that I can rise from the quagmire of rolling dots which shook my once sturdy faith and still confidence.

    And so, I see my purpose. As a dot, I should not stop connecting to other dots so I can create the perfect and complete structure of who I am and what I can become. It is only when I connect that I may find meaning of what I do. If dot is not connected, then it remains meaningless and it will not serve its function. A dot, small as it is, is an important part to make a BIG impact in the vast UNIVERSE.


  15. I made my dots an infinite dots because life is just like it, this dots represents the experiences that comes in our life, we need to look backward to learn from our bad experiences and continue to explore in the future.


  16. My DOTS is so simple. It represent my simplicity in seeing things in this world. Just connect the dots from top to bottom then to left going up that will come up of a very simple connections of dots. I can say that it is simple because I live in a simple way. I always practice living the present moment, do what is necessary,and I communicate God in a simple way too!


  17. The Dots represent everything that we do.They become meaningful when connected.The connecting dots activity is a concrete example how we manage to work out to make things happen.I started connecting at the bottom part until i reached to the peak.As a facilitator in my class i start asking questions from simple to higher order thinking skills.As the discussion goes pupils focus in different ways, effective strategy must be utelized to make the lesson
    understood clearly.In my
    carreer as a
    future manager , i need to know the problem to
    the smallest
    until i resolved
    it to the fullest .
    Rosalyn M

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  18. we are all just like dots but God did not create us simply just like those.like the cellphones that are so useful today.however,these could also be useless without its CONNECTION.This is what Godd wants us to be.To have the CONNECTION among all HiS creations and to be a family like His church.
    As an educator,I am a dot that contributes to whatever our system of education has today.whatever our status maybe,I know that I am always accountable being a part of it.With this I realize not having any right to blame anyone in the field with the mistakes that are present in our education now.Instead,It is into the work of my hands with conscience that I am resposible of every actions that I make.The current problems are asking us to be innovative in our own ways and make Steps that could lead into meeting the objectives that were set to gain the educational quality that we want to achieve.Effecrtive and efficient teachers we maybe,but these would not be enough if we just wait for something that we want to happen and not make ourselves accountable of anything.Its now time for us to serve our roles as educator by being the educators that this present time is asking.The educators/entrepreneurs who could make our system valuable enough to be sold. Meaning,making the nation’s education able to cope with the global trends and be considered as of those nations on top. That someday we can also be one of the best nations with the highest quality of education.That our products/out graduates would be recognized having the best education from our country.This dream would be possible if we begin today,taking the accountability and make ourselves capable of coping with the challenges and changes of this world.


  19. Anna Marie P. Cabansag for Account-ability

    Everything in this world has connection. From the simplest form of life up to the highest form all life, connection exists. Life becomes simpler if we know our connection with the outside world. As the saying goes, NO MAN IS AN ISLAND. This means we need to connect with other people and even other forms of life. once this connection is strengthen, our life becomes closer to God. We begin to realize our purpose in life. each individual is important in this connection. if one dot is missing, connection will fail and life will fail too.
    We as human beings are as tiny as dots but once connected with each other we can be powerful and we can achieve something big. like one dot is useless but if put together, it becomes something. Together we stand, divided we fall. Connection means having the same goal and the same vision.
    How are these dots connected in planning? In planning, everything should be in line with the main goal. one part of planning not in line, the endeavour fails.. WHY? everybody should possess same vision and should have the same thoughts and same feelings about the success of the endeavour.


  20. our life is like connecting a dots, we have the same pattern of dots but we have our own way how to connect it..and as an individual, we connect it in different ways!! just like being a future managers even we enroll the same course we have different application on what we have learned in graduate studies!! but what is important is that we are willing to be a leader someday!!


  21. For me, dots in this activity represent circumstances I face in my journey. Each single day in my life, I realize I am given freedom to choose the path I wish to take. God allows me to express myself through the decisions I make. And just like any journey, there are ups and downs and unexpected turns. When I was a young girl, I kept wondering why people can’t be happy at all times. But as I was growing, my eyes have seen the beauty of it all. Now, I confidently tell myself life has its seasons. I cannot judge it in just one season. (I remember the video Prof. Gail shared to us.) Truly, we cannot appreciate joy if we fail to experience sadness. That’s the irony of life. Another realization I got through the years is that, each of our lives can never be patterned to one. We should embrace ourselves completely and bloom where we are planted.

    My colorful dots as I connected them resembled a heartbeat graphic. It’s amazing to see that it is so reflective of how I view life. Also, I left it open because I believe there’s still much to see ahead and I’m giving room for the Lord to make adjustments and add more color and shape to it. Hence, I call it “colorful dots representing my colorful life”.


  22. My life is in the hands of the Sovereign Lord. He planned my life already and He requires me only to be patient and trust Him, to do all things for His glory, to be diligent, responsible and to love my neighbour. Believing His Word “that all things (good or evil) work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son…. and those He predestined, he also called; those he called he also justified; those he justified he also glorified. …. If God is for us (his people) who can be against us?” (Romans 8:28-31 NIV)

    ‘For I know what I have planned for you’, says the LORD. I have plans to prosper you not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future and filled with hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 NET)

    “….I am God and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come, I say: My purpose wil stand, and i will do all that I please”. (Isaiah 46:9-10)

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

    Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord not for men. (Colossians 3:23)

    I am certain that not all my plans will be successful and everything will be smooth, there will be difficulty but still I will trust God because He is only good and wise God.


  23. There are so many dots in our life . As we go through our lives in day by day , we encounter dots . Sometimes we are puzzled on how to connect the dots and what it brings to our life . Everything is connected and everyone make sense in everything .


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